The "HEX to RGB" tool is a web-based utility that allows users to convert colors represented in the HEX format to RGB format. HEX, short for Hexadecimal, is a six-digit code used to represent colors in web design and graphics applications. RGB, short for Red Green Blue, is a color model that represents colors by specifying the amount of red, green, and blue light needed to create it.

The tool is simple to use; users need to input the HEX code in the designated input box, and click "Convert", and the tool will automatically convert the code to its equivalent RGB values. The resulting RGB values will be displayed in a format that includes three numbers separated.

The tool is widely used by web designers and graphic designers who work with digital media. It helps to streamline the color conversion process, which is essential for maintaining consistency across different design elements. Additionally, the tool is handy when designing for print media since print production typically uses the RGB color model.

In conclusion, the "HEX to RGB" tool is a useful online utility that makes color conversion simple and efficient. It helps designers ensure that their color schemes are consistent and accurate, which is essential for creating visually appealing designs.

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